
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tap, Tap: Is this thing on? New Year, Same Blog.

"Mom the tree doesn't look like itself, "Scarlett remarked to me as I took the last of the ribbon tag garland out of our Christmas tree. I'd already plucked out the magnolia branches and unwrapped the red and white plaid ribbon that once adorned the tree; the ornaments were scattered across the bar of our kitchen island. "No, you're right it doesn't," I chuckled. 

There's something quite sad about un-decorating your house after Christmas isn't there? It's now bare and bland and means the season and the year have come to a close. I know there's a lot of people giving 2016 a big thumbs down for various reasons, but I've got to say, 2016 might've been the best year of my life to date. I'm really sad to see it go. 

When we welcomed in 2016 I was so hopeful and so jubilant, according to my Facebook memories. We didn't yet know we were pregnant with Trip, wouldn't find that out until two weeks later on Tony's birthday. We had already started the process of building our house, so I know I was joyously anticipating that endeavor, but what else was I so excited about? I can't remember! But it did turn out to be quite remarkable, personally. 

2017, I don't know what to think about you. I'm cautious as we dip a toe in the water of this new year. There are some uncertainties in our lives that we will hopefully resolve in the coming months. And I'm not normally a resolution maker, speaking of resolve, but this year I felt a calling to write it down. I want to make this the year of "me," as selfish as that sounds...but I guess three babies in four years will do that to you. I want to read more books for myself--I don't think I've read a single book for myself since Sadie was born. I want to take time to eat lunch--not scarf down whatever fast food I can get my hands on in the carpool lane. I want to take more time to pray and get involved at our church. I want to write again. Hence returning to my blog, small steps toward words on "paper."

Scarlett and I also came up with a 100 book challenge today, after we read 100 books we get to go to House of Boom together, just her and I. Mind you, when Scarlett goes to the library she picks out only chapter books, so this might take awhile! I also want to do one project a month that the kids can help with--something that shows them the joy in giving back to others. Stay tuned and I will fill you in on what those projects are! I'm not ready to come up with any blog goals or weekly promises, those I think will form once I get in the habit of journaling my thoughts again. I envision topics about motherhood--it's challenges and unique encounters, the acts of kindness we take on as a family--and how you too can make a difference in the lives of others, spirituality, writing, crafting and cooking, home decorating and house building, and who knows what else. If that sounds like your sort of thing, read along! 
For now, it's back to motherhood, as Sadie tries to sweep my arm, now my hair, encouraging me to log off the computer...

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