Sarah Palin's Emails
This brings up a very important topic that I like to address with students coming to college...Privacy. In today's digital age, what really is private anymore? NOTHING.
According to The Los Angeles Times, "The state redacted more than 2,200 pages worth of materials, citing exemptions to public-records laws, including the privacy provision of the Alaska Constitution, attorney-client privilege, work-product privilege and executive and deliberative-process privileges." Ok. So a few things remain private. But that email to your husband about the nosy neighbor you can't stand, or the office gossip, or the vacation you are taking next month, the new job your are looking for, that you can't stand your boss. Nope. Those are all out there for the public to see.
Be careful what you email. Even if it is to your BFF. Not only can the press request it, but your own employers can review what kind of messages you are sending.
We could go on a tangent here about other inappropriate uses of digital communication...
But seriously speaking, remember that old adage you heard from your grandmother? "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?" Or how about, "Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead?" -Benjamin Franklin.
It's worth noting, that nothing good comes from these situations. Jail time, a family in shambles, public shame...The list goes on and on. So my suggestion will be...Think First. Write Second. Don't put it out there on the Google server if you aren't comfortable with the whole world knowin' it. If you think your grandmother would roll over in her grave if she saw the text message you were about to send...don't send it. Think before you communicate. It could save you some heartache.
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