
Friday, June 24, 2011

The Results are in!

By: Logan Sparks

For all you ladies who weren't able to attend Grand Convention this year, you might be be wondering just we are actually doing out here in Phoenix. Maybe much to your disbelief, it isn't all fun and games. While we are most definitely having a blast, we have also been getting down to very serious business. However, if you could see all the tasty meals they have been serving us or the beautiful Biltmore hotel, you might not think so.

But still, through business meetings and bylaw revisions, your chapter delegates have been working very hard to make decisions that are best for members and the international organization as a whole. In addition to bylaw revisions, elections are also being held. This is an exciting time for Alpha Delta Pi as our new international President and the rest of Grand Council will be leading us into the future. It is through these processes that we remember that ADPi is so much bigger than our individual chapters and the campuses we represent; we are a group of sorority women from all over the country (and Canada) who strive to live by the same creed of values and ideas. 

So. For everyone out there who thinks we're just vacationing here in sorority-land, you are mistaken! Look forward to hearing about all of our official ADPi business from your chapter representatives in the fall! 

And...the drum roll please...our newly elected Grand Council members!
International President: Tammy Pinkston, Zeta Nu/Gamma Phi
International Vice President of Collegiate Membership: Stacy DeMartini Bruton, Delta Sigma
                                                                                                  Susan Swicord Mathews, Epsilon Pi
International Vice President of Alumnae Membership: Renee Bailey Iacona, Delta Upsilon
International Vice President of Finance: Emily Erkel, Zeta Chi
International Secretary: Sydnee Jack, Alpha Omicron
International Vice President of Organizational Relations: Sandy McDonald Davis, Xi

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the new Grand Council! I know you will do fantastic things for our sorority!

    Jennifer Peterson, BH
