
Thursday, June 23, 2011

In Memorial

I'm gonna be honest. This post isn't going to be pretty. It's difficult. It's heart wrenching. It's just downright challenging when you lose a sister. It's not fair for me to monopolize this blog with this post about the sister that I lost this year, because there are so many sisters that we've lost in this sisterhood that we call Alpha Delta Pi since our last Grand Convention. But I do feel compelled to highlight this portion of Grand Convention, an event that I feel is not as highly attended as it should be. The Alpha Delta Pi Memorial Service.

Becoming an International Officer, heck, even in my first year as a chapter advisor, I realized how much bigger this organization is than me. Than my campus. Than my alpha class. I've met remarkable women from coast to coast who  have become just as dear to me as the women who I became fast friends with on bid day. Women who are younger than me, who are older than me, who are role models and inspiring and dedicated. So anytime we lose a member of our circle of sisterhood, we should mourn that loss. Near and far. And that is the purpose of the Memorial Service that is held each Grand Convention. To remember those sisters who we've lost and recognize the fulfillment of their oath to a lifetime of sisterhood. A lifetime modeling our principles and ideals. 

So, two notes on sisters we lost this year. Renee Bailey Iacona recognized the passing of former Grand Council member Betty Braun Pitzer, Chi. She turned 99 this year, and celebrated 80 years of membership in Alpha Delta Pi. Her lifetime commitment includes serving as a founding member of the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation, and Grand Treasurer on Grand Council for 16 years. She is District IV's Loyalty Boatright Alumnae recipient. She passed away just two days ago. 

And next. My small shout out. This October Alpha Delta Pi lost one of my alpha class members, Sarah Irvin Gardner. It's hard to fathom when you are not even 30 yet that you will need to say goodbye to one of the members of your alpha class. But that's what my girls did this year. Sarah left us in October to go on to a better place, after battling brain cancer. She left behind a then four-month-old legacy, Miss Caroline Kay. Miss Caroline Kay is growing up strong, and we'll just have to do our best reminding her what a wonderful, beautiful, God-loving woman that her mother was. And how her Alpha Delta Pi sisters miss her so. 

There are mother, sisters, grandmothers, granddaughters, daughters. So many others who we lost. Take a moment to squeeze your Alpha Delta Pi sisters today. And remember to tell them how important they are to you. This sisterhood we have is a beautiful thing and I'm blessed to have had Sarah in my life, even though our time together was cut short. God bless you all!

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